disability benefits questionnaire

The Ultimate Guide to Filling Out a Disability Benefits Questionnaire

According to the latest Census Bureau report, about half of U.S. veterans received some kind of benefit in 2017. If you’re a veteran, you may be wondering how you can also get access to benefits.  

Benefits begin by filling out a disability benefits questionnaire, or DBQ, for short.

A VA DBQ is essential for benefits. It paints a whole picture of how your disability began, how it affects you today, and what kind of benefits you receive. 

At Veterans Educating Veterans, we’re here to help educate our fellow veterans. We provide support and guidance through the VA compensation or disability claims process

If you have just begun your journey to applying for VA disability benefits, we’re here to steer you in the right direction. Read this guide to learn about the main things to focus on when filling out disability benefits questionnaires. 

Be Thorough

A great rule of thumb when filling out any paperwork is to be as thorough as possible.  When filling out VA disability claims, the more detailed you are the better. 

While filling your paperwork out, it may help to think about your answers from the perspective of the person who will be reviewing them.

Remember that this person will know nothing about your situation, so it’s important to fill in every blank and be as detailed as you can be. Think of it as painting a whole picture or telling an entire story. 

Make sure to explain the circumstances around when your injury occurred or when you first noticed it. It’s also important to note every symptom you experienced, even if it was minor. 

It’s very important to write in full detail how these symptoms have affected your life, especially if it has affected your job or ability to work. Any financial impact from a disability will be crucial information to your case. 

Keep in mind that both physical limitations and mental health issues may affect your ability to work. 

Gather Helpful Paperwork 

One thing that will help you the most when filling out and turning in your paperwork is any official paperwork that reflects your disability situation.

Even a personally written account of an incident can help you when recalling details and small things you may have forgotten over time. 

Paperwork is your best ally during this process. Producing and describing evidence of any injuries and disabilities from your time spent as a service member is crucial. 

Some papers you will want to include are any service papers, medical paperwork, or doctor’s notes. Any paperwork that shows a difference in your financial situation due to disability is also important.

This can be paperwork that shows fewer hours worked after your injury. You can also include paperwork from your boss confirming a change in your schedule or job title due to a disability. 

You can also include recommendations from your therapist. Any paperwork from anyone who has assisted you with resulting mental health issues is helpful. 

It is especially important to have this paperwork on hand just in case your claim is denied. If you want to appeal the decision, you’ll likely need to show this paperwork again, plus any additional paperwork you may find. 

Double Check Everything

It probably goes without saying, but it’s crucial to your case to make sure all the right information is filled out correctly. 

Paperwork can be daunting, especially if it’s your first time filling it out. You may become flustered, tired, or confused. It’s a good idea to tackle your paperwork as you can, take breaks, and take your time. 

Double-check that all your information is also up to date. Having the wrong information, like an old address or a different name, on your paperwork can create problems or stall the progress of your case. 

Make sure to note any major changes in your life as well. This can include things like getting married or having dependents, whether it’s children or a family member you care for. 

It’s important to double-check that all this information and any changes are included. Changes may affect any compensation you’re awarded. 

Correct spelling is easy to overlook, but small details like this can make a difference. Incorrect information can negatively affect the process when turning in your paperwork. 

When in Doubt, Ask a Professional 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure about how to fill out your paperwork, it always makes sense to ask someone who has been through the process before. 

When you turn in incorrect paperwork or fill out the wrong kind of paperwork, it can slow down the whole process and become more frustrating. 

Maybe you’re wondering what paperwork you need, or how it’s possible, to get 100% percentage and total benefits.

It will be a smoother process, and you’re more likely to fill out your paperwork correctly if you have spoken to someone who has experience with getting 100% P and T benefits. 

At Veterans Educating Veterans, we believe every question you have is valid. Every case is different, which is why we focus on customizing strategies just for you and your unique situation. 

We also pair you with an expert from our organization to help guide you through every step, figure out if you’re available for compensation increases, and more. 

Disability Benefits Questionnaire and More

Now you know some of the best tips to remember while filling out your disability benefits questionnaire. Refer to this guide when in doubt and remember to take your time to fill it out correctly. 

If you’re looking for a guiding hand during your questionnaire process, don’t hesitate to ask our team at Veterans Educating Veterans. We’re here to help!

Contact us today to learn more about the questionnaire process, joining our team, and more. 

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