veteran support groups

A Guide to Veteran Support Groups and Resources

16.5 million men and women joined the US military to protect the United States and are now veterans of their service. 

Few can relate to the experiences of being in combat and serving around the world to protect the US. It’s not uncommon for those same veterans to come home and need some help due to their service experiences. 

There are a host of veteran support groups to meet the many unique needs of the veterans. If you’re a veteran or a family member of one, you might be overwhelmed and not know where to turn for help. 

Take a look at this long list of veteran resources available to help a veteran following their years of service. 

American Legion

The American Legion is one organization a qualifying veteran could join and get veteran assistance. To be eligible, a veteran must still serve in the US military or be honorably discharged. 

The American Legion provides services to its members, including:

  • Youth mentoring programs
  • Help with seeking benefits
  • Education center
  • Health center
  • Career center

Local chapters of the American Legion are located across the country. 

Anxiety and Depression Association of America

An essential resource for veteran counseling services comes from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA). The ADAA website is a wealth of resources and articles about veterans’ mental health. 

They also provide links to other mental health resources. You can also find their free directory of therapists who are available to work with a veteran who needs mental health support. 

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America

This organization seeks explicitly to support younger veterans, especially those who served after 911. The organization is open to all veterans, families, and civilian allies and charges no dues. 

They look to support those young coming home from combat and overseas service. 

The group works as advocates for helping those veterans and their families work through re-entry to civilian life. 

Lifeline for Vets

Lifeline for Vets is a unique program where other vets support veterans who need help. This is a type of crisis hotline where veterans can call (888) 777-4443 and speak directly to a veteran manning the phone line. 

They are available to talk to those veterans in need and also work to connect them with other resources. In addition to calling in, a veteran can also text and take advantage of their chat services. 

National Alliance on Mental Illness

Another organization supporting mental illness is the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Call their hotline at  1(800)950-NAMI (6264) or contact one of their local affiliate organizations. 

They offer referral services for more extensive mental health care, hotline services, and support groups for family members. 

PTSD Foundation of America

Around 7% of all veterans leaving military service will suffer from PTSD. This foundation was created to help veterans combat the impact of post-traumatic stress. 

They provide important information for both family members and veterans about PTSD and how to recognize the signs. They have a wealth of resources for assistance and counseling services too.

Sidran Institute Help Desk

The Sidran Institute Help Desk provides support for those who are suffering from the experience of a traumatic event and their families. The organization publishes:

  • Research
  • Articles
  • Online information for support groups

The organization also runs an email help desk, connecting veterans and their families to other resources. 

Veterans Affairs

Some may not view the Department of Veterans Affairs as the most accessible place to navigate for veteran benefits. Many of the organizations here, including Veterans Educating Veterans, help veterans navigate services from Veterans Affairs. 

The VA also has many veteran resources and benefit programs, including healthcare services, education training, and transition programs to civilian life. 

The VA offers a program called Coaching Into Care. This program helps mentor veterans and their families to get benefits, care, and other services they need.  

Vet Center Program

The Vet Center Program provides important transition services for veterans who have experienced duty in combat. 

Cities throughout the country have the Vet Center Program available for those veterans who have returned from war. The program offers services like:

  • Individual counseling
  • Family counseling
  • Group counseling
  • Substance abuse assessment 
  • Sexual trauma counseling
  • Some medical screenings 

The program does have qualifying requirements to use its services. 

Veterans Crisis Line

The Veterans Crisis Line is a crisis hotline for veterans facing immediate mental crises. There are several ways to seek support, including:

  • Call 1 (800) 273-8255 and press 1 to talk to a live support person
  • Send a text message to 838255
  • Chat online with someone

The representatives at the Veterans Crisis Line are trained to support and help connect the veteran with other resources.

Veterans Educating Veterans

Veterans Educating Veterans help guide veterans through the process of getting services from the VA. They provide essential guidance and coaching to get approval for assistance through the VA.

This service will evaluate your case with an intake appointment. They have you meet with a coach to help guide you through the VA process. Their expert guidance and experience give you the advantage you need to get approval.

Veterans Resource Centers of America

Many veterans have unique needs that go beyond medical care. The Veterans Resource Centers of America help veterans facing homelessness and joblessness.

Their programs help veterans to get: 

  • Homeless vets through re-housing programs
  • Provide transitional housing 
  • Help veterans find employment

While their physical locations are in California, Arizona, and Nevada, their website offers nutrition services, housing, and behavioral health treatment information.

Use These Veteran Support Groups for the Help You Need

For all that veterans do to support the freedoms of all people in the US, it’s important and necessary that they know about the wealth of veteran support groups available to them. 

At Veterans Educating Veterans, we want to get you the help you need. Check out our Process Page to learn about the process we use to bring you the help you need and deserve. 

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