disability compensation

How Much VA Disability Compensation Do Veterans Receive?

On a base level, VA disability compensation ranges anywhere from $165.92 a month to $3,621.95 a month. The compensation comes tax-free, with the specific amount being determined by a variety of factors. 

To help you understand just how much veteran disability compensation you might receive, we’re going to discuss eligibility factors and qualifications below. Here’s everything you need to know about VA benefits for disabled veterans. 

Compensation Per Disability Rating

When it comes to exact disability compensation, disability rating is the determinant. This is a rating given to each individual disabled veteran. It will be determined by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. 

Disability ratings range from 0% to 100% and come in 10% increments. We’ll discuss the compensation associated with each increment below. 

  • 0 percent  rating = $0.00 per month
  • 10 percent rating = $165.92 per month
  • 20 percent rating = $327.00 per month
  • 30 percent rating = $508.05 per month
  • 40 percent rating = $731.86 per month
  • 50 percent rating = $1,041.82 per month
  • 60 percent rating = $1,319.65 per month
  • 70 percent rating = $1,663.06 per month
  • 80 percent rating = $1,933.15 per month
  • 90 percent rating = $2,172.39 per month
  • 100 percent rating = $3,621.95 per month

How to Become Eligible for VA Disability

Now that we’ve discussed VA disability ratings and how much money they command monthly let’s discuss how a veteran becomes eligible for VA disability. 

The first requirement is that you have served in the United States Military in some capacity. This could entail active duty, active duty training, or inactive duty training. 

You must also have an injury that can be connected to your service. A certain level of proof is required to establish this connection. 

If you can prove that you were, indeed, injured while serving, you can apply for a disability rating from the VA. Once they’ve given you your rating, you’ll be able to obtain disability compensation on a monthly basis. 

How to Apply for VA Disability Compensation 

You now believe that you’re eligible for VA disability compensation. How do you go about applying for it? The simplest method is to do so through the VA website, VA.com

You’ll need to fill out the VA form 21-526EZ. Fill this out honestly, and make sure to submit it along with the documents supporting your disability claim. Supporting documents run the gamut from medical records to witness statements to personal statements from friends, family, officials, and more. 

Once you’ve submitted your application and supporting documents, the VA will review your case. The amount of time this takes depends on the number of injuries you’re claiming and the amount of supporting evidence you’ve submitted. You may be asked to provide more supporting evidence, in which case, the process would be prolonged. 

Factors That Affect VA Disability Rating

There are a number of factors that determine a veteran’s VA disability rating. The most prominent of these factors include: 

The Severity of the Injury

The severity of the injury weighs heavily on the veteran’s disability rating. If the injury is completely debilitating and prevents the veteran from working, they will likely receive a 100 percent rating. Conversely, if the injury is minor and only results in mild pain, the veteran is more likely to receive a 10 percent rating. 

Whether the Injury Is Bilateral or Not

Another thing that can affect a disability rating is whether the injury is bilateral or not. This refers to whether the injury exists on one side or both sides. If it exists on both sides, the associated disability rating will be higher.

So, let’s say that you have an injury to your left leg but no injury to your right leg. This would result in a lower disability rating than what you would have if you had injuries to both legs. 

Number of Injuries

The number of injuries present can affect the disability rating as well. Each injury gets its own disability rating. These two ratings are then factored together to produce an overall rating. 

To learn more about how this works, click this link

Getting Additional Compensation Due to Having Dependents

Do you have dependents whom you claim on your tax returns? If so, you might be able to get compensation in addition to what you’re already receiving. This is true for veterans with 30 percent disability ratings and higher. 

Now, what constitutes a dependent? It could be a child, a spouse, or an elderly or disabled parent. Generally speaking, if you cover their living expenses, they can be counted as a dependent on your taxes. 

Getting Additional Compensation Due to Having Extreme Impairment

Not only can you receive additional compensation for having dependents but for having an extreme impairment as well. An extreme impairment is one that drastically reduces your ability to make a living. For instance, if your arm is non-functional, you’ve lost your sight, or you can’t function without the help of an aid, you might very well receive additional compensation. 

Understanding VA Travel Reimbursement

If you’re in a situation in which you must travel to receive medical treatment, you could potentially be reimbursed by the VA for your travel expenses.

To receive this, you must have at least a 30 percent disability rating. You must also be traveling for an appointment that’s related to your service-connected injury. 

Note that some low-income disabled veterans may also be eligible for this reimbursement. For more information, contact the VA. 

Let Us Guide You Through the VA Disability Compensation Claims Process

We’ve taken a shallow dive into the amount of disability compensation that veterans receive. However, there’s much more to learn. If you’re looking to learn more, you’re in the right place. 

We here at Veterans Educating Veterans work with disabled veterans to help them get veteran disability compensation. Not only do we teach the ins and outs of VA benefits, but we also guide veterans through the claims process so that they have the best chance at obtaining VA disability. 

Contact us now to start the process! 

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